lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

~*English classes*~

 This one is my last "entry" for the English class and I have to do a comment on this year. ^^

The English calses are entertained, even ..many matter does not pass, And a lot of companions do not take advantage of it, turn into the memory, and not into the study, -It is sad-. But i like to learn the English though .. I am not exelente jejejeje. The teacher, has a different way of teaching, very different from the previous teacher i believe that deveria to explain or to say the meaning of the words that we see in classes, as vocabulary. it would help to the reading comprehension. We do not effect many written tests, so tape-worm to emphasize more the participation in speaking fluid.

I liked much the English classes of this year, I hope that my companions have enjoyed it also!!!!!!!.

Thx you for his attention 

Good luck
